When an individual has achieved a complete understanding of her true self, she will no longer be disturbed by the distracting influences within and around her.
— The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali

Kristi Murrin grew up in West Virginia and moved to Colorado in 1990.  She began her studies with healing arts when she first went to an acupuncturist in Crested Butte for chronic back pain.  She was recommended to an Iyengar yoga class and after the first week of classes she knew yoga would always be an important part of her life. 


Her interest for the healing arts grew and in 1993 she moved to Boulder, Co to begin her studies in Homeopathy at the International School of Homeopathy.  There she spent four years completing a certification program for Homeopathic Consultation.  At the same time she continued her education at the University of Colorado and eventually graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.


Her passion for adventure and travel led her to a job teaching at a traveling high school for teenagers who are advanced whitewater kayakers.  For six years she travelled around the world teaching math, science and occasionally yoga to the World Class Kayak Academy Students.  She has kayaked in Africa, China, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru and all over the US.


In 2010 she decided to travel to Indonesia and complete her first of many certifications to teach yoga.  Since then, she now has over 300hrs of training with Shiva Rea, the creator and founder of Prana Flow©, a vinyasa style of yoga that integrates natural body movement with the alignment of breath and asana. 


Her most recent studies have been focused on the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, and has completed her 500hr certification as a AyuryogaÒ Wellness Consultant with Maria Garre and Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic institute in Albuquerque New Mexico.   Ayurveda teaches the art of living in harmony with the five elements in nature. 


Kristi is a full time resident of Crested Butte and has a Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Yoga practice available for private consultations.  Her contact number is (970)596-7337 to schedule an appointment.